The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
The LORD is king, in splendor robed;
robed is the LORD and girt about with strength.
The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
The LORD is king, in splendor robed;
robed is the LORD and girt about with strength.
The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
John 3: 7 – 13 Amen, amen, I say to you, we speak of what we know and we
testify to what we have seen, but you people do not accept our testimony.
When I make
choices that bear witness to Jesus, but are contrary to the prevailing culture,
do people sometimes treat me like I am an outcast? Do I ever get
frustrated when people don’t accept my testimony?
Keep bearing witness even though people may treat you like a nut.