Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thought for Friday September 6

Come with joy into the presence of the Lord.
Sing joyfully to the LORD, all you lands;
serve the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful song.
Come with joy into the presence of the Lord.

Colossians 1: 15 – 20  For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by the Blood of his cross through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven.

Luke 5: 33 – 39  The scribes and Pharisees said to Jesus, “The disciples of John the Baptist fast often and offer prayers, and the disciples of the Pharisees do the same; but yours eat and drink.”  Jesus answered them, “Can you make the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?  But the days will come, and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days.”  

Action:  Fast for Syria.  Pray for Peace.

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