Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thought for Friday March 6

If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand?
I trust in the LORD;my soul trusts in his word.
My soul waits for the LORD
more than sentinels wait for the dawn.
Let Israel wait for the LORD.
If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand?

Matthew 5: 20 – 26 You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment. But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment,

Is Jesus’ standard too high for me? Would I prefer a simpler Old Testament set of rules?

Action: Pick a number between one and ten (inclusive). Got your number? Now, read the commandment that goes with that number and ask yourself how Jesus would ask you to live it.

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